Evangelization in the Jubilee Year of Mercy

There is no such thing as a conversion to the Catholic Faith only a reversion, a return home to the truth of Jesus Christ.  We must never forget that the Catholic Faith is not a function of the soul, it is the soul itself so share your faith your soul in deed and word. Remember in Luke’s gospel 5:17-26 – it took others to carry the paralytic to Jesus, friends carrying him overcoming the crowds because he could not get to Jesus on his own.

We are now in the Inquiry Phase of bringing people home to Christ’s Church. Do you know where God’s children are?   Deacon Frank would love to have us introduce to him candidates, catechumens and those who would like to participate in the RCIA program as a sponsor.  The Discernment phase starts in September.

Also: September 18th 2016:


Are we prepared?  Are we confident courageous soldiers for Christ?   Do we need to sharpen our spiritual sword?   Do you find that you want to but perhaps some of these things keep getting in the way?

Time – life gets busy

Money – cost is a concern

Convenience – access to and from a class or Adult Faith Program

Embarrassment – shy in speaking publicly about the Catholic Faith

Lack of confidence – ignorance of dogma, doctrine or rubrics

 If any of the above is impeding your spiritual journey then we must find something that:

Can be used at your own pace as your schedule permits

Is Free

Accessible via On-line or regular post mail

Used in private

Developed to build confidence relaying the teachings of the Catholic Faith 

Well we are in luck!  Here it is:


Brochures can be found in the Narthex on the table in the Knights of Columbus display. Or on line at:   http://www.bethesun.us/

Start with We Believe – A survey of the Catholic Faith


So now what?  Randy Pagnotta theevangelist@mctus.net