Electronic Giving

Corpus Christi Parish is now offering, to their parishioners, the ability to make regular monthly offerings electronically, by way of direct payments (ACH Debits) from your checking/savings account to Corpus Christi. Highlights of the program include:

  • Automatically debits your bank account each month
  • Eliminate writing checks for your weekly contributions.
  • Continue to receive envelopes including special second collections, Christmas and Easter.
  • Weekly envelopes will allow you to mark that you have chosen the electronic method for giving.

Below is a form, which is an authorization agreement for direct payment (ACH Debit) for you to complete and to send to the Parish Center Office. When completing the authorization form, simply choose a yearly offering you wish to make to Corpus Christi, and then divide that by 12 to come up with your desired monthly offering.

Electronic Giving Authorization Form


Parish Giving – Online Giving option:


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the Parish Center Office at 215-855-1311.
