Parish Contributions
Here are the various ways you can support Corpus Christi Parish through your generosity:
- You can donate by placing contributions in the Collection Basket during any Sunday or Holy Day Mass.
- Donations can also be delivered or mailed to the Parish Center at 900 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale, PA 19446. Checks can be made out to Corpus Christi Parish.
- To simplify your Sunday offerings, consider our Electronic Debit Authorization (ACH) option. This allows for automatic monthly contributions debited from your checking or savings account on the 20th of each month. Please complete the authorization form HERE and send it to the Parish Center Office to enroll.
- Utilize our Parish Giving Page to make one-time donations or set up recurring donations on a weekly, monthly, or other basis.
Parish Fundraising Events
- Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Garden Pavers are now available. We are taking orders for engraved pavers to be added to the Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Garden.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be part of your parish forever, mark your time at Corpus Christi School, or remember a loved one. Installation will be scheduled for early summer. Please visit Our Lady of Lourdes Pavers to order online. The link and paper form are also available on
the Church website. If you have any questions, please email Fran Tobin at
- Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Garden Pavers are now available. We are taking orders for engraved pavers to be added to the Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Garden.
The Giving Tree
- The Giving Tree season is upon us! The Ladies Auxiliary is excited to keep the Holiday spirit alive for the children of Visitation Parish in Kensington. Our goal is to provide the 400 students enrolled in the Parish School and CCD program each with a $25 gift card to Five Below. Please use this link The 2024 Giving Tree to donate online. Thank you for your generosity!
- The Youth Ministry’s Luminary Sale is back! Purchase a luminary for a loved one, living or deceased, and your luminary will be one of many that will decorate the parish property on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, The cost is $5 per luminary. If you purchase four luminaries, your fifth luminary is free. Proceeds support the Youth Ministry activities, conferences, and mission trips. Please use this link 2024 Youth Ministry Luminary Sale to purchase one or more luminaries. Danielle Medoff and the Youth Group thank you for your generosity and support!
Your generosity makes a meaningful difference. Thank you for your support!