The Sacrament of Baptism
Baptisms are celebrated at Corpus Christi Catholic Church every Sunday at 12:30 PM.
Pre-Jordan Class
Parents and Godparents must attend a Pre-Jordan Class (Baptismal Preparation Class) before the Baptism. Ideally, attendance at the Pre-Jordan Session should take place before the birth of the child. Registration for this class is required. Please contact the Parish Center Office at 215-855-1311 to make arrangements.
A Pre Jordan Session is scheduled for the third Monday of each month beginning at 7:00 PM and concluding by 8:00 PM. If no registrations are received for a particular month, the class does not take place. No walk-ins are permitted, so please register your intent to attend.
The Pre-Jordan Session is held in the Religious Education Room of our church, unless you are informed otherwise. Please enter this room using the far right side entrance of our church located at the ramp access.
If you have attended a Pre Jordan Class previously, you are not required to repeat it.
Requirements for Godparents
- The Godparent must have completed his/her 16th birthday.
- The Godparent must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church (Baptism/Eucharist/Confirmation).
- The Godparent must be a registered member of a Catholic parish. This implies that he/she is an active and practicing Catholic.
- The Godparent must receive a Certificate of Eligibility from his/her parish. The certificate must be submitted at least two weeks prior to scheduling the Baptismal date. The certificate of eligibility must be the original with a raised parish seal and, therefore, cannot be faxed.
- If married, the Godparent must be living in a valid sacramental marriage.
- A parent of the child being baptized cannot also serve as the child’s Godparent.
- Godparents are to be one male and one female.
- An individual who has left the Catholic Faith for any reason may not be asked to fulfill this responsibility.
- The Godparents must attend a Pre-Jordan Session.
- One non-Catholic Christian witness may serve in the place of one Godparent. This non-Catholic Christian witness must offer proof of his/her Baptism. He/she must also attend a Pre-Jordan Session.
Adult Baptism
Adults who are not baptized and wish to become members of the Catholic Church follow the process of initiation outlined in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). This includes journeying with others, receiving catechetical instruction and spiritual formation, participating in the various rites of the RCIA process leading to the reception of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
Fullness of Faith
Many people who desire to join the Catholic Church have already been baptized in another Christian Church. They do not need to be baptized again. Those already baptized join with others in receiving instruction and spiritual formation leading to Reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church during the Easter Season.
Deacon Frank Langsdorf may be reached at 215-855-1311 x113 for further information.