Religious Education of Children

Mission Statement

Corpus Christi Religious Education for Children (REC) is committed to the spiritual and moral development of children in grades one through eight.  Recognizing the role of parents as primary teachers of the faith, REC supports this faith formation by providing opportunities to study the Catholic beliefs and traditions in a classroom setting as well as to expose the children to communal and individual prayer experiences.  Together, REC and the home foster within the child a personal recognition of God’s love for them while they embrace the Gospel values of Jesus Christ.

Religious Education for Children (REC) at Corpus Christi Parish (also referred to as CCD or PREP in some parishes) is offered on Mondays beginning in September and ending in April of each school year.

REC Class Sessions

In the Philadelphia Archdiocese, religious instruction begins in the first grade. It is also required that children have two years of religious instruction prior to receiving a sacrament. At Corpus Christi, children receive First Penance and First Holy Communion in second grade, and Confirmation in seventh grade.


Sacraments may be received only when the following criteria is met:

  • The student has had two (2) years of religious instruction prior to receiving the sacrament
  • The family is registered in the parish.
  • The family participates at Sunday Mass
  • The parent(s) and candidate MUST participate in the required Sacramental Preparation Activities (All meetings, retreats and practices).

Parent Participation

Corpus Christi parish community affirms the teaching of the Church which states that parents are the first and foremost educators of their children.  Our catechists supplement, in a more formal way, the education in faith that occurs in the home.  With your help in the following areas, together we can make your child’s REC experience positive and productive:

  • Attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days
  • Teach your child to pray in their own words as well as to learn and review the prayers required at their level.
  • Review the study guide and pacing charts weekly
  • Make sure your child completes assignments and study homework.
  • Join your child in participating in age appropriate parish activities.
  • In the event that a teacher/aide needs to miss a class, be willing to substitute in an aide capacity for that session.


All children in grades 1 through 7 will have study homework each week.  Our REC students as well as our parish catholic school children have religion homework on a regular basis to help reinforce their classroom experiences.  Faith cannot be taught in one hour a week.  It must be practiced and lived out in everyday life.  Homework may include faith knowledge or faith actions and also knowledge of basic prayers.

Family Catechesis Homework:

Corpus Christi REC Emergency Closings

In the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen events, REC classes may be cancelled. If cancelled, an email will be sent out. Please make sure the REC office has your most up to date contact information so you won’t miss this important alert. Notification by text messages will be implemented in the future.

Also, please note that REC classes are always cancelled if the North Penn School District cancels because of the weather.

REC Registration | 2025-2026

Questions? Call 215-362-2292 or email

Registration is completed online using the link below for all NEW families to the Corpus Christi REC Program. All existing REC families will receive a link from our online registration service, Parish Giving, with details on re-registration for the upcoming REC year.

Please note: ALL PRIOR BALANCES must be paid in full along with the current registration tuition and fees before you can register for the new REC year.

REC Sessions occur Mondays starting September 8, 2025. You can choose from the following:

  • 4:30-5:45pm (Grades 1-7)
  • 6:45-8:00pm (Grades 1-7)
  • Family Catechesis* (Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, 8)

We also have our Family Catechesis option. This is a home based faith program in which parents and children are catechized simultaneously and families also participate in the life of the Church. Contact the REC Office for more information. Family Catechesis is not available for Grades 2, 6, & 7 because of sacramental preparation.


Online payment is preferred. All tuition and fees must be paid in full before we can process your registration.

# of children (payment before June 1, 2025)

  • 1 Child: $300
  • 2 Children:  $550
  • 3 Children: $665

Additional Sacramental Fees:

  • Grade 2 (First Penance/First Communion): $30
  • Grade 6 (Confirmation Preparation): $65

Volunteer Discounts:

Positions are filled on a first come, first served basis. Please note that you must have your clearances up to date prior to volunteering. This is a full year commitment that requires regular, prompt attendance at all REC sessions. Should attendance become an issue we reserve the
right to reclaim a portion of the discount received.

  • Teacher (100% tuition discount*)
  • Teacher Aide (50% tuition discount*)
  • Hall Monitor (50% tuition discount*)
    *Does not apply to sacramental fees

Contact the REC Office for a volunteer discount code before you complete the registration process.


If you have any SCRIP credits, please call the SCRIP office (215-362-0104) before you register to
get your balance and inform them you will use it towards REC tuition.

New Family Registration:

New families only, CLICK HERE to begin the Registration process.

Don’t forget, please have your form of payment ready when paying online (credit card or bank transfer number). If your child was NOT baptized at Corpus Christi Parish, a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate must also be submitted to complete your REC Registration. This may be uploaded during the registration process.


Parent Handbook

Download Here

REC Contact Information

  • Brian Jefferes, Director of Religious Education
    • Kathy Thompson, REC Secretary
    • Noelle McLaughlin, REC Assistant
  • Phone: 215-362-2292
  • Email: