March For Life 2013


The 40th Annual March for Life will be held on Friday, January 25, 2013 in Washington, DC.  Corpus Christi Parish will send 2 buses to Washington to attend this peaceful and prayerful demonstration bearing witness to the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.

Schedule for the day is as follows:

Leave Corpus Christi parking lot at 6:00 AM promptly.
Arrive in Washington, DC and attend 10 AM Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, celebrated by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput.  After Mass, you can tour the Shrine and eat lunch.  At the given time, we will take the Metro (tickets provided) to the site of the March.  If physically able, we would like you to walk in the March (approximately one mile).  Return to Shrine and leave by 4 PM.

Cost for adults is $38 for bus & dinner at Country Buffet.  Cost for students is $14 for dinner, bus is free for all students BUT an adult must accompany them.  No change in cost.  Everyone should bring a bag lunch and a drink.  Bus returns to Corpus Christi by 9 PM.  Sign-ups start now.  Sign-up board is in the Narthex of Church and you must pay in full to reserve your seat.  All deposits are transferrable, but not refundableMake checks payable to Respect Life and send to Louise Mercurio, 3012 Valley View Way, Lansdale, PA  19446, 610-584-4008.

BUS #1, Respect Life,
BUS #2, Knights of Columbus, you can go on either bus
Bring your gold scarf from last year.

Will you join us this year in our efforts to save our unborn children?