Respect Life – Pro Life terms

Did you Know? As Catholics, it is important to be informed about our faith and, when situations arise, to be able to speak out in truth.

There is a direct link between Contraceptives and Abortion. Please see below these little known facts:

1 – Contraception – Also known as Birth Control, is a refusal to be open to life by means of pills, devices or other willful acts that prevent the egg and sperm from uniting. Since contraception goes against God’s plan for marriage which the church defines as unitive (love-giving) and procreative (life-giving) it is considered a grave sin.

2 – Abortion Inducing ContraceptiveA type of contraception (medical term is abortifacient) such as The Pill, IUD, The Shot that use artificial hormones or other means to prevent newly formed human persons from implanting on the uterus thus resulting in a spontaneous abortion. This occurs before the mother even knows she is even pregnant. Also, major medical studies have connected these type of contraceptives to serious health problems such as breast cancer, infertility, heart attacks, and depression. The World Health Organization officially classified oral contraceptives as carcinogenic.

*For more information on Church Teaching as well as other known side effects of Contraception, please visit the Resource table at the back of church or view the following 2 links:

3 – Chemical Abortion – An abortion that is caused by taking a pill known as RU 486. It blocks progesterone, a hormone essential to the development of a pregnancy, and thereby prevents an existing pregnancy from progressing. This abortion pill has a second part, another medication called misoprostol, which can cause birth defects of the baby if the baby is not aborted.

 4 – Plan B – Known as the Morning After Pill, it is a form of emergency hormonal contraception. The main purpose is to induce an early abortion. The Plan B and some associations deny it causes abortion because they assume life starts after implantation of the baby (on the uterus). We know by science that life starts at conception which occurs at fertilization.

5 – Abortion Pill Reversal A pill designed to reverse the effects of a chemical abortion.

6 – Surgical Abortion – A medical procedure that takes the baby out of the mother’s womb in pieces, ending the baby’s life.

7 – Natural Family Planning (NFP) – According to the USCCB it is the general title for the scientific, natural, and moral method of family planning that can help married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy. If a couple thinks serious reasons do indeed exist for postponing pregnancy, the church teaches that a couple may take advantage of NFP.

*For more information on NFP, visit the Gianna Center of Philadelphia located behind Suburban Hospital – or view the Couple to Couple League website for live onsite, online or self-paced classes –

8 – Napro Technology – A new women’s Health science that monitors and maintains a women’s reproductive and gynecological health. It provides medical and surgical treatments that cooperate completely with the reproductive system and in line with Catholic Church teaching.

9 – Gianna Center of Philadelphia – A local women’s medical facility located behind Suburban Hospital that provides general gynecologic care, Natural Family Planning education, and infertility services all while honoring the sanctity of life, the dignity of women and integrity of marriage. The center is staffed by Dr. Delia Larrauri who is a Catholic Prolife OB/Gyn. For more information visit the following link