Fatima Centennial Reflection: A Deeper Belonging

Fatima Centennial Reflection: A Deeper Belonging
(Published by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office for the New Evangelization)
Terrorism is destroying lives. Gender ideology is wreaking havoc. Scandals, unbelief, and division continue to rack the Church. Across the globe and in our own homes, problems abound. Sometimes, watching the news or reading the headlines becomes an occasion for us to throw up our hands with the overwhelming feeling that the world is falling apart.

And yet, Our Lady told us in Fatima, “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.” That is, Mary’s Heart, so completely given to Jesus, will be victorious over all evil. As we come to the close of this celebratory year of the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Fatima, let these words of our Heavenly Mother resound in our ears as the final word from God about what is happening in our times.

Our Lady is the guiding star that God gives to us to navigate these difficult and treacherous times. She comes to us as a Mother to turn our gaze away from the crumbling walls around us and to fix them on her Son Jesus Christ who never fails and is always in control.

On Sunday, October 15 at the 11am Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia, Archbishop Charles Chaput will consecrate the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to Our Lady of Fatima. This is a momentous occasion in the life of our local Church because through the authority of our bishop all of us will be handed over to the Blessed Virgin in a new way. It is a moment of deeper belonging to Our Lady, which always means a deeper belonging to Jesus Christ.

There are problems in the world, in the Church, in our families and in our own lives that simply cannot be resolved by human means, no matter how excellent. This act of consecration is a surrendering of everything to the incomparable care and power of the Queen of Heaven. In effect we are saying, “Mother, we cannot do this ourselves. You take care of it. You come and have your triumph here.” What we know with certainty is that through this consecration, Our Lady will be able to bring about transformation and new life in ways that we cannot imagine.

All are invited to attend this beautiful Mass. Come prepared to consecrate yourself, your family, your work and your ministry to Our Lady of Fatima. Together we can await with expectant hope the astonishing fruits of this gesture.

For more information about the Fatima Consecration visit archphila.org/fatima.