Ash Wednesday – March 1, 2017

Ashes will be distributed at the following Mass times:

7:15 am

12:05 pm

7:30 pm

Straight Talk About Annulments- Tues., Apr. 19

Tuesday, April 19, 2016 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Religious Education Room (Please use side entrance to our church)

The process  of having a marriage  annulled touches the lives of many  couples  in  the  Church  today.    Did  you  know  that Pope Francis  has  made  several  changes  to  the  annulment process?  Learn about these changes and hear straight answers to “scratch your head questions” concerning annulments.

Please register for this session at

Archbishop  Charles  Chaput,  in  accord  with  the  wishes  of Pope Francis,  has  decreed  that  the  annulment  process  now exists without  cost.    The  Archdiocese  of  Philadelphia  will absorb  the $800.00 fee.  Petitioners are only asked to contribute something out of charity according to their means.

Did you Know?
If your marriage ended in divorce, you can petition the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for a Declaration of Nullity. The Tribunal is looking to see if something was lacking in the intentions of the parties in regards to children, fidelity and permanence, and/or in their understanding of marriage, and/or in their ability to enter into and fulfill marriage. Anyone can begin the process now from  the ease of  their own computer. Go to On the top right of the webpage, under the heading, “How do I”, click on the tab “Start the Annulment Process.” Follow the instructions, fill out the form on the computer, print out the form, obtain the proper documents and send everything to the Tribunal. When your application is received you will be contacted to begin your case with formal testimony. The normal annulment process takes 6–8 months.

Electronic Giving now Available

We now offer our parishioners Electronic Giving as a method of making regular monthly offerings to our church.

How it works:
Monthly offerings are made by way of direct payments (ACH debits) from your checking/savings account on the 20th of each month (unless that fall on a weekend or holiday in which case it will be deducted on the next business day).

You will continue to receive envelopes which will include special second collections as well as Christmas and Easter. The weekly envelopes will allow you to mark that you have chosen the electronic method for your offerings to Corpus Christi.

If you are interested in Electronic Giving, pick up a form located on the ministry table in the Narthex or stop by the Parish Center Office during business hours. You can also get a form on our website at:

Ash Wednesday – Feb. 10

Ash Wednesday Schedule

7:15 a.m.
12:05 p.m.
7:30 p.m.